
..::Praised Be Jesus Christ::..

I got another letter today from Mother Mary Regina! Hoorah! There is not much to talk about today, but I really should be getting to work on my homework for class tomorrow! Here's the letter she sent:


..::Blessed Be God::..

"Dear God, please don't let me be too hungry or too thirsty. Help me to please my mother. And help me to please you."
Prayer of Saint Germaine

What a simple little prayer of a simple little Saint. I wish to make this my prayer too, especially in these days where I am trying so hard to please my mother so that I can prove myself mature to her and hopefully enter the Cloister within a year.

Dear God, please don’t let me be too hungry or too thirsty. Help me to please my mother. And help me to please You.


..::Praised Be Jesus Christ::..

Well, I finally have scanned in the latest letter from Mother Mary Regina! It had been some time since I had last written her, so she was sending an update. I have already written her back and sent it to her, so I cannot share my half of the correspondence!

The article in the paper she is talking was online, but it is currently on my xanga. The pictures from the article can be found here. And just for you all, I'll repost the article here as well!

A day within the walls -- Lessons learned from behind the grate at the Poor Clare Monastery
By Bridget Kagan, Observer Intern

When I began working at The Observer back in May I learned that my first big assignment of the summer was to do a feature article on the Poor Clare nuns.

Up until this point, my knowl
edge of the Poor Clares had been pieced together by what I had learned growing up in Catholic schools and the field trip I took to their monastery as a fifth grader. They have always been a mystery to me. As a 20 year old college student who is just beginning to experience life, their cloistered lifestyle was a concept I could never grasp.

After all, the youngest sister at the convent is 33 years old, what could I possibly have in common with these women?

What compels these 22 women to remove themselves from the outside world? What is it about this lifestyle that could possibly be so appealing?

Despite my personal skepticism, I approached the story with an open mind, interested to learn more about their lifestyle.

In addition to the interviews I had with Mother Regina, the abbess, about their way of life, I had the unique opportunity to spend time with the sisters inside their private world and observe cloistered life first-hand.

When I arrived at the monastery and followed Mother Regina into the sisters’ private chapel, I immediately felt self-conscious and out of place. I suddenly felt as though I did not measure up to these pious women. Despite Mother Regina’s urging to take all the pictures I needed, I was reluctant to do so.

I felt as though I was trespassing and somehow robbing them of their private lifestyle. I timidly took a few shots from the back of the chapel where I was out of sight but I soon realized the pictures I was taking were not going to cut it. Reluctantly, I walked around to the front of the room trying to get more dyna
mic shots. I managed to successfully avoid all forms of eye-contact with the sisters. All I wanted was to take my pictures and do my best to blend into the background.

Following chapel, I visited a novitiate class and as I listened to one of the veteran sisters instruct three of the newer ones I was struck by the familiarity of the lesson.They discussed the importance of living according to the beatitudes. It was not much different from the many theology lessons I have had in my own Catholic education. I was pleasantly surprised to discover their lesson was comprised of very practical, very basic Christian rules that we are all called to follow in our daily lives.
As I observed and photographed the class, snapping pictures right alongside me was another of the veteran sisters. She explained that they rarely get many photos, and she was gladly taking advantage of this opportunity for them to get some of their own.

As I left the tutoring session I realized my nervousness was beginning to dissipate and by the time I was escorted into the kitchen I finally felt relaxed.

The sisters on duty were washing dishes and preparing a meal. I was met with big smiles and cheerful greetings when I entered. One of the sisters had a surprisingly empowering voice. She was outgoing and bubbly — exactly the opposite of what I had imagined. I immediately felt a connection wither her and as they worked, we chatted like old friends.

While the tone of the day was more relaxed as usual, because of my visit, Mother Regina said they still make regular time-usually an hour-for social time and community. I marveled at the comradery among the sisters, the way they interacted with me as well as with each other.

Not only did they talk quite a bit I discovered, but they laughed, joked, and even teased each other good-naturedly, just like any other group of friends might do.

We talked about knitting and the hot weather, which has been more burdensome than ever for the sisters who do-without the luxury of air conditioning.

They use much of their recreation time to work on the crafts they sell to help support themselves.

The sisters run a small gift shop where they sell handmade rosaries, prayer cards, and infant of Prague statues, in addition to religious medals, books, and figurines. The little revenue that the shop produces is the only self-generated income the sisters receive. They are solely dependent upon the goodwill of others.

Following recreation time, I was taken to an upstairs office
where one of the sisters was handling the correspondence and fielding the many daily calls they receive which are mostly for prayer requests. She had a delightfully ironic sense of humor and I could not help but laugh as she described some of the more “unusual” requests they receive.

Next, in the much-cooler basement, I watched the sisters bake and prepare the altar bread they send to various churches.

They also showed me the boiler, which they clean and maintain themselves.

In addition to their everyday housework, the sisters also attend to their entire 15 acre grounds which include a greenhouse, large vegetable garden, and hundreds of flowers.

Most remarkable and beautiful of all is the small forest the sisters have created in the back of their property. In 1997 the sisters began planting 2000 trees in honor of the millennium. Now, more than six years later, the canopy of trees forms a peaceful refuge in the middle of southwest Rockford.

As we walked inside after seeing the gardens, I watched as some of the sisters played with their dogs Melody and Harmony two of the many pets the sisters keep. They also have two cats named Brooklyn and Manhattan and two baby ducks Sugar and Spice, they have been raising since they were abandoned this spring.

When I left the Poor Clares monastery that afternoon I realized how wrong my assumptions had been about th
eir lifestyle. Not only did I understand them better after my visit, but I felt as though I identified with them as well.
Some people choose medicine, law, or education as a career.

The women of the Poor Clares choose prayer.
I have come to understand that they are simply living their lives the best way they know and in a manner that glorifies God and makes them happy.

It’s not for everyone, as Mother Regina told me at our first interview, but it’s what works for them.

God Bless and Mary Protect you all!


..::Blessed Be God::..

May the peace and joy of Christ be with you always! I have returned from several months of nothing. I am pleased to say that I was at World Youth Day, and during the pilgrimage, made a stop in Assisi and knew that I was meant to be a Franciscan! Praised be Jesus Christ! I had a beautiful time with many wonderful and blessed people! I wish I could write more and share some photos, but I do not have much time now that school has started.

I have recently written Mother Mary Regina after she had sent me a letter along with a newspaper clipping from the article in the Diocean Newspaper about the Nuns. I loved it! I did write her a 6 page letter back because she had asked about my WYD experience. I could have easily wrote more if I had included many many more details! On experience was waiting an hour in line to go to Adoration at the Vigil Site. My friend Britt and I were pushed and squeezed in a line , mostly surrounded by French people and some Sisters, including a few Carmelites. It was quite warm for the most part. Oh, there are so many other stories I could tell of what happened while we were there.

I just hope that there will be an opportunity soon to visit Mother Abbess and the Nuns again! I do miss them dreadfully! I think one weekend I will leave on Friday after class to head out on an hour and fifteen minute car trip and spend the weekend. I could either return Sunday evening or Monday morning. I'd love to stay until Monday morning. I think I will have to call up Mother Abbess and discuss some plans for visiting! I really miss seeing them! I miss the chapel and I miss the Divine Office and the beautifully sung Masses. :sigh: All for Jesus!

I think that before I enter the Cloister, I will make a week long pilgrimage to Assisi (again! I love that city!) with my youth minister, as it is a tradition to take the youth minister somewhere nice before one enters. Last time, when my friend Melinda entered the Sisters of Charity, they were in Hawaii for a while. I don't think I could stand Hawaii... I'd rather go for something like Assisi or going around to all the Shrines and such nearby Rome. Lourdes or Fatima or any other apparition site would be beautiful as well! I think I am thinking much too far ahead, and not at all in a spirit of poverty, one of the vows I will embrace.

Well, blessings to you all, whoever may still be reading this log of vocational status! And, if anyone can help, I am looking for a confessor! God Bless and Mary Protect you always!

Yours in the Most Sacred Hearts,
Angela Louise