From the Brochure:
Hi! My name is Sister John Mary and I want to invite single Catholic women ages 16-35 to learn more about this awesome way of life-being a Passionist Nun! This is an opportunity for you to grow in your relationship with Christ, learn more about religious life and meet other young women who are on the same journey as you.They also included a vocation prayer with the brochure and letter. I'd like to share this as well:
We are hosting the Consecrated Life Retreat in response to therequest of Pope John Paul the Great that all religious communties make know the great joy and value of a life consecrated to Christ.
During the weekend we will share with you some tip of how to discern God's plan for your life. We will also share about our Passionist charism, the joy of living a life of worship and intercession and the liberation that comes from living the Gospel radically.
Some of the Sisters will share their vocation stories and there will be opportunities to speak privately with a Sister. We will take time for silence and prayer, laughter and hiking and even a tour inside the monastery. Where else can you find a weekend like this for only ten bucks?When is the Retreat?July 21-23, 2006
Arrival: Friday at 4:30 pm
Departure: Sunday at 3:00 pm
Can't make this date? Please contact me for other opportunities.Pre-RegistrationPrior to registering for this retreat please email or call and ask to speak to Sister John Mary. The quicker you contact me the easier you make our job!
Space is limitied.
Registration deadline: July 14th, 2006
Registration fee: $10.00Under 18?Please contact me in plenty of time that I can sen your parents/guardian the forms which need to be completed.Where will the retreat be held?The retreat will be in our retreat house on our grounds. We are located in a rural area 12 miles SE of Owensboro just norht of Whitesville, KY.Benedict XVI to young People"...I say to you, dear young people: Do not be afraid of Christ! He takes nothing away, and He gives you everything. When we give ourselves to Him, we recieve a hundredfold in return. Yes, open, open wide the doors to Christ-and you will find true life. Amen."
Visit our Monastery website and find out more about this joy-filled life lived in the heart of the Church:
www.passionistnuns.orgWho are the Passionist Nuns?We are contemplative nuns who seek to keep alive in the hearts of people the memory of the greatest act of love in the history of the world-the saving death of Jesus, from whom alone our world will find peace and salvation.We are deputed by the Church offer the "sacrafice of praise" continually; this is expressed most powerfully in our participation in the Holy Mass. We pray the full Liturgy of the Hours which extends praise and petition of the Mass throughout the day. We have Eucharistic adoration and at least two hours of private prayer daily.
Our Lady of Sorrows aids us in our monastic journey which also includes study, work and recreation. Our formation program, steeped in Sacred Scripture and the mystics, nourishes both heart and mind. We enjoy two periods of daily recreation-chatting, going for walks, playing games, and even riding a bike (yes, it can be done in a full religious habit!)
We love being brides of Christ and daughters of the Catholic Church!What one young woman said about a Consecrated Life Retreat"First and forwmost, I want to thnak you for the wonderful weekend, I very much enjoyed it.Of course I was nervous in the beginning, but the moment I arrived I felt right at home...
Hearing the talks this weekend has really given me a great appreciation of those who choose religious life as a vocation... My impression of religious life before was that it was a lonely life and I wondered why in the world somebody would do that, but now I realize that I myself wouldn't mind the life...
I wish the weekend wouldn't have ended so soon. It felt like I was only there a blink of an eye, but the time spent in that shortness I loved. I have always felt my heart 'tugging' to maybe consider religious life...
I hope to return to the Passionist Monastery sometime soon! God Bless..."Sr. John Mary, C.P.
(270) 233-4571
Passionist Nuns
8564 Crisp Road
Whitesville, KY 42378
O loving Jesus, you promised that once you were lifted up, you would draw all things to yourself. Through the mighty power of the Holy Spirit, draw to yourself the hearts of all whom you are calling to be a brother, sister, or priest. If you are giving me this gift help me to respond generously.
O loving Jesus, I long to gaze upon you, Reveal to me the beauty of your love in you sacred Passion. Enlighten my mind to see the passing nature of all earthly things. Make me thirst after you, who alone can satisfy the deepest longings of my heart.
O loving Jesus, Spouse of Souls, let me hear your voice calling my name, Give me a realization of the urgent and grave needs of our times, so that I may generously leave all things in order to follow you.
O loving Jesus, I ask all this for the glory of your holy Name and to obtain an abundance of your mercy for souls. I commit myself entirely to you holy will. Amen.
Lord, Thy Will Be Done!
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