
..::Blessed Be God::..

Pope loves his iPod

The Pope likes to unwind by listening to his iPod.

Pope Benedict XVI was given an iPod Nano as a present by staff at Vatican Radio.

Officials have loaded it with religious music, plus pieces by Beethoven, Mozart and Chopin.

He has been spotted around the Vatican using his iPod and distinctive white earphones.

According to The Sun a spokesman said: "He is very pleased with the iPod. The Holy Father likes to unwind listening to it and is of the opinion that this sort of technology is the future."

The Queen, President Bush and Tony Blair all own an iPod.

It is now official. EVERYONE but me has an iPod. But I think I am better for it. Instead of private listening pleasure, I have more silence in life and more time for talking with others. I don't need no stinkin' iPod!

Also, I heard back from Mother Abbess! They have been busy busy little bees! I guess there was little time and she did not have a chance to write back and I thought the letter had got lost in the mail or something! But I sent another letter and she wrote back a quick response and I hopefully will be visiting during spring break(March 22 to the maybe the 27th)! Yay! I am so excited! I hope that I will be able to help the Sisters to help them with their work that has kept them so busy! I am so excited! Also, I don't know if I mentioned this before, but it seems like there may be a book written about the Monastery and what makes someone want to enter, and well, I've kinda been being interviewed for it, even though it was going to start out as a newspaper article. I kinda don't know what to think about it all, but I think I am just going to try not to be so nervous about it. I always get so nervous with someone writing your every word or recording it!

Anyways, that is all for now! Also, you may want to look through the blogroll on the sidebar because I have been updating and revamping and adding some cool new blogs. Check them out! I'll let you do the mystery work to figure out which ones! God bless you abundantly this lent!

Lord, Thy Will Be Done!

1 comment:

Saint Peter's helpers said...

That makes two of us... don't have an IPod either. I heard the Holy Father is enjoying his IPod Nano!

I hope you will tell us all about your visit with the Sisters and may you have a good interview... don't be nervous, you'll do just fine.

God bless you Angela.