
..::Praised Be Jesus Christ::..


I keep realing how cool the parish I go to when I am at school is. Awesome parish. Confession: at least 3+ times a week. They even do it before Stations of the Cross so you can get your plenary indulgence! They also do Benediction after Stations too! WHOA! I don't know if that is the norm, but I just LOVE it! Not only this, but they have booklets with meditations compsed by Benedict XVI in the bookracks! Also, every Tuesday morning from 10 until 12pm, they have an Opus Dei priest hear confessions. All year round. Oh yeah! This parish also has a beautiful Perpetual Adoration Chapel! I just love this parish! If you want to surf around their website, check it out here. I suggest if you are ever in town, go to Mass here. There are two other parishes, but this one I highly recommend. HIGHLY.

Did I mention they have some very awesome and holy priests as well? AWESOME! Even though the architecture is remenant of the 60's/70's, it still retains the true spirit of Vatican II. The above picture is the sanctuary from the homepage. It kind of gives some idea of what I am talking about.

Lord, Thy Will Be Done!

1 comment:

Saint Peter's helpers said...

What a beautiful Church! I also like going to an Opus Dei priest who hears confession at a Church near my work.